Never constructed and in the middle of a field. It was to be "the largest amusement park in Asia" but construction stopped sometime in 1998 after disagreements with the local government and farmer. Developers tried to restart the construction in 2008 but with no success.

The Park was demolished in 2013. The company's investment supervision department, has stated a "comprehensive luxury product supermarket" would be built on the site, but that the project was still going through "planning permission formalities".
Spreepark closed in 2002. It's quite an interesting story and well worth a read.
Another ride from Spreepark.
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Yet another ride from Spreepark.
If i'm right then this is from Joyland. Not much is as sad as a dead piano :(
The hours of fun are over, for ever.
Gulliver from the now demolished Gulliver's kingdom theme park. I wonder if it was visible on Google maps?
It's just so fun to say :)