To make something cool, get something cool and stick it to the uncool thing, and WHAM you have a new cool thing.
List of cool things
- Unicorns
- Chocolate
- Jelly babies
- Zombies
- Vinyl records
Records \(~o~)/
Leaving me with vinyl records. I've got some and they haven't yet tried to eat me, so all in all a good choice me thinks.
Making the Stand
- Go and grab a pack of Sugru, is it called a pack? Or sachet, envelope, container ... one minute i'll ask.
@sugru is a single sealed bit of #sugru called a pack, sachet, envelope, container ...
ANYWAY, go grab one of your favourite coloured Sugru, or buy some (Amazon UK
— Josh King (@RaggedyJosh) March 29, 2015or US
- Clean your work area, record and hands so that you don't look dirty, I think its so the Sugru plays nicer.
- Split the Sugru into two equal parts, don't go buying a set of scales just make sure they look the same size.
- Roll them into sausages about 3cm long.
- Stick them to the record 2cm away from the middle, one on each side.
- Smooth them onto the record to ensure that the sticky stuff does its thing.
- Remould them so they stand up from the surface by about 1cm. (If this all sounds confusing refer to the images below).
- Wait 24 hours for the Sugru to go into hulk mode.
- Very carefully cut a U shape into the cured Sugru.
- Hang the record on the wall or use some other new fangled way to place the record into the vertical plane.
- Slot the straps of the bowtie into the slots.
- WHAM -bow tie stands are in fact cool.