"Welcome to the party, pal" 

Finding something cool to do can be a struggle sometimes, especially if you're broke. Instead of going out all night, you can stay in! Grab a bunch of friends, get them to brings snacks and movies each and voila! A night in for all - or even two if you're feeling romantic.

The Take Away

Everyone can chip in with the costs so it's not overly expensive for when you're poor. Order anything from pizza to burgers so long as you don't have to concentrate on eating it - try boneless chicken for a carefree munching.

The Drinks

Fizzy drinks are going to be top of the list: Cola, Pepsi  lemonade etc. For a fruity twist, get some apple juice or something along those lines - my favorite is apple and pear with a bit of lemonade to add some sparkle. Of course a beer or two is probably more common but more likely to end in a hangover!

The Snacks

If there's loads of people coming, everyone can bring at least one item each - you'll never know what you'll end up with. If it's just the two or three of you, you can easily spend a fiver each in Sainsbury's or Tesco's.

Some recommendations...
♦ Haribo
♦ Salt and vinegar swirly crisps
♦ Flying saucers
♦ Magic stars
♦ Malteasers
♦ Crunchie

The Setup

You can get the most out of movies with a full HD screen, surround sound stereo, 5.1 or above. Get yourselves comfortable with duvets on the sofas and tonnes of pillows. 

The Movies

Every one could bring a movie they like, or the night could be based on a theme. If you're looking to pull an all-nighter try a movie marathon.

Here are some ideas...

Die Hard marathon
Back To The Future Trilogy marathon
Toy Story marathon
Marvel / Avengers marathon
Rambo marathon
Ghostbusters marathon
Indiana Jones marathon
Alien marathon

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